The Department of Biology and General Ecology is involved in the education of experts in the field of ecology and biodiversity protection, providing the teaching of disciplines in the fields of biological, ecological and applied ecosozology sciences.
Do you like nature? Come and study ecology and biodiversity protection!
You will find out what biodiversity is, how it is protected and how it functions, you will get to know the food pyramid as well as the decomposition cascade. You will understand what is a water bear for, why there is no forest without fungi, and how the photosynthesis functions.
Learn and explore!
ake part in the scientific research of our Department. Water, soil, micro-organisms, fungi – you'll find more in collaboration with scientists.
Do not attend only lectures
You will experience authentic nature exploration and field research. Take advantage of a wide range of field practices, excursions and laboratory practices, and understand the nature functioning like never before.
Study Guarantee
he Department is approved to provide the study programme of Ecology and Protection of Biodiversity at all three stages of higher education and is authorised to conduct habilitation and inauguration procedures.
Our aims
The main aim of the Department is teaching of general biology subjects with the emphasis on development of theoretical biological and ecological disciplines related to general ecology and environment protection. Within the frame of accredited study programmes, the staff of the Department guarantee the study specialisation of Ecology and Protection of Biodiversity.
Katedra biológie a všeobecnej ekológieFakulta ekológie a environmentalistiky
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene
T. G. Masaryka 24
960 01 Zvolen
+421 45 5206 374
Head of the Department

+421 455 206 591